Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Gospel Expansion

Jason Malone - 5/12/2024

Scripture: Acts 17:16-34


In Acts 17:16-34, we witness Paul's journey in Athens, a city steeped in idolatry and philosophy. Distressed by the city's idols, Paul uses this cultural context to engage with the Athenians, speaking at the Areopagus. He addresses their spiritual hunger and acknowledges their religious devotion, yet redirects them from their unknown god to the one true God. Paul introduces God not as an unknown entity but as the Creator of all, who doesn't dwell in man-made temples. He emphasizes humanity's kinship under God, urging his listeners to seek Him. This approach culminates in the declaration of the resurrection of Jesus, which meets mixed reactions—some mock, while others express interest to hear more. This passage encourages us to meet people where they are, using familiar contexts to reveal the truth of the Gospel. It challenges us to discern and address the idols of our time with the transformative message of Jesus.

*We are a church located in Greenville, South Carolina. Our vision is to see God transform us into a community of grace passionately pursuing life and mission with Jesus.