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Returning to Jesus - Sheldon's Story

by Sheldon Burk

"It is interesting how God works. When I was 16, I had a coach who led me to faith in Christ. I knew I was a sinner separated from God and I knew Jesus died on the cross for me to save me from my sins. However, when the coach asked a bunch of us if we wanted to get baptized, I said "yes," but I didn't really know why. I just wanted to please my coach. This period of my life was filled with learning about Jesus, spending time at church, and with my youth group. After high school, during my time in the military, and life in general, I walked away from my faith a bit. I never quit believing, just pursuing. I guess you could say my relationship with Jesus was very distant.

Recently, over the past year, my wife and I, we knew there was more to life. More we wanted for our lives. Something was missing. Of course, it was Jesus. We started attending Fellowship Greenville a little more than a year ago, and through the teaching here, we are growing as a couple (and as a family) in our faith. We want to be open to Jesus, and for HIm to be present in everything in our lives, whatever that may be.

Though I never lost faith after accepting Jesus as my Savior at 16, I did stray away. This past year has been a time of repentance, of returning to Jesus, and the life that He offers. Today, I am declaring, as Jesus is my strength and help, I want to follow him and all that he has for me." - Sheldon B.

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