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Trust For Today - Chris's Story

by Chris DeHollander

"When I agreed to share how God was working in my life, I had no idea what God had in store for me just a couple of days later.

I am moving through a season of loss. My parents are aging and dealing with serious health issues including cancer. My oldest son is leaving for college in a few weeks. The pandemic has canceled trips and events that I was really looking forward to. And then most recently - just days ago, our beloved mountain cabin, a place of family memories, was struck by lightning and destroyed.

My husband and I were completely devastated. The hardest part was going to see the remains of the cabin that we spent two long, stressful, and difficult years building. On the drive to the cabin, I prayed that God would help me to keep this in perspective after all my kids are healthy, I have a great relationship with my husband, and I have friends and family that love me. Many people are going through worse things than this.

When we arrived, I walked to the back porch and peered through the shattered dining room window. I could see the remains of the kitchen where many fond memories were created. Many family and friends were gathered around the dining room table while sharing a meal or playing cards. I could hear the laughter of our boys and their friends.

The house looked vastly different. The kitchen floor collapsed, the island and stove were now in the basement, and every surface was burned or covered in black soot. But the cool thing is God showed up. The very next moment, I turned around and saw the beautiful mountains off our back deck, and I heard God whisper, I am still here. Trust me. My husband and I stopped, held hands, and experienced God’s peace in the moment. I was reminded that GOD remains the same despite the burned-down cabin that was behind me. I was reminded to trust him and to keep my eyes fixed on HIM.

Through this season of loss and uncertainty, I am learning that I need to trust God each and every day. When I trust God, I am free to enjoy his blessings. I am free from worry. I can have joy despite my circumstances. I am free to live His purpose and passion. I think this is what God desires for us and me, and it starts with trusting him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'" - Chris D.

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