Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

God's Saving Grace | A Guided Devotional from Psalm 18

This devotional is designed to facilitate personal reflection, which focuses on understanding and experiencing God as our Savior and Sustainer and how this shapes our lives. This devotional is drawn heavily from Jason’s sermon, “David’s Song of Songs,” which comes directly from 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18, exploring David's relationship with God amidst his trials.

Opening Prayer

Begin with a prayer that asks for openness and insight as you reflect on the sermon and discuss its implications for your life.

Reflection Time

  1. Personal Reflections on God:
    • What comes to mind when you think about God? How has your view of God changed over the years, especially through personal challenges?
  2. God as Our Rock and Fortress:
    • David describes God as his rock, fortress, and savior. Think about a personal experience where you have felt God acting as your rock and fortress during difficult times.
  3. Understanding God's Delight:
    • How does knowing that God delights in you change the way you live or face challenges?
  4. God’s Saving Grace:
    • Reflect on how David's song (2 Samuel 22/Psalm 18) reflects his deliverance and gratitude towards God. How do you relate to the idea of God saving you from "deep waters"?
  5. God as a Sustainer:
    • Share with someone how you have experienced God not just as a savior but also as a sustainer in your ongoing life circumstances.
  6. Response to God’s Grace:
    • Think about practical ways to respond to God's saving and sustaining grace. How can you show trust and reliance on Him more evidently in your daily life?

Key Scripture for Further Reflection

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." - Psalm 18:2

Closing Thoughts

Reflect on Psalm 18, considering how the insights gained can be integrated into your life. Close your devotion time with a prayer, asking God to help you fully realize and experience Him as your savior, sustainer, strength, and security.

Additional Activity

As a practical application, consider writing a personal psalm or prayer this week that expresses how you see God as your rock and fortress. Share it with your community group!

In This Devotional