Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Adams Mill | Prayer Guide

Thank you for participating in this special day of prayer! This guide is simply a resource that provides ideas and suggested topics to cover as you partner with God through prayer. We encourage you to follow the Spirit’s lead in lifting up any additional requests He puts on your heart. You are free to spend time interceding in the designated areas within the facility and around the campus. As you connect with the Lord, may you have joy in knowing that He will work through your prayers to bear lasting fruit for His glory and for the growth of His kingdom here on earth. 

As you enter each area, begin your prayer this way...

Heavenly Father, we thank You for all that You are doing! May those who come to this place...

The Commons Area

  • Enjoy healthy life in community
  • Feel welcomed & loved
  • Care for one another well
  • Follow God’s lead on where and how to serve
  • Generously invest their time, energy, and resources
  • Pray for and disciple each other
  • Unify around the Gospel
  • Plug into a community group where they are supported, known, challenged, and encouraged

The Main Auditorium

  • Experience a vibrant life with Jesus
  • Worship You in spirit and truth
  • Pour out their hearts to You in praise, lament, trust, and thanksgiving
  • Be receptive and responsive to the teaching of Scripture—being doers of the Word and not hearers only
  • Abide in Christ and demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit
  • Grow in understanding, internalizing, and living out the Gospel in daily life
  • Come to know You better—enjoying intimate fellowship with You

The Main Rooms for FG Kids & Middle School 

  • Know that they belong
  • Come to believe in Jesus
  • Become who You have created them to be
  • Enjoy authentic, encouraging relationships
  • Be effectively discipled to know, love, and follow You
  • Grow to understand and value the Bible, worship, prayer, and community
  • Learn to walk closely with other believers and use their gifts to serve other people

The Campus

  • Step into life on mission wherever they are
  • Invite unchurched family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers
  • Share the Good News with those who don’t yet know You
  • Make disciples who are equipped to make more disciples
  • Demonstrate faith in practical ways
  • Experience Your protection as they arrive, while they are here, and as they leave
  • Show the love of Christ to those who live in the surrounding neighborhoods. 

Closing Prayer

Dear Lord, thank You for leading us here. May all those You are calling to be a part of this church family respond to You with trust and obedience. Thank You for the ways that You are preparing them for the work here. Please guard and protect them as well as all those You are working through to build this church—both physically and spiritually. We ask for safe, successful, and timely renovations to this facility and property. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus, amen. 

In This Devotional